2024 Inductees

  • Robert Graham (Class of 1977)
    Jul 3, 2024 · 2024 Inductees

    Robert Graham (Class of 1977)


    Nominated by: Keith Mullen

    Bob is a Great Man. He is the owner of Tri County Tire Inc in Oregon. I had the pleasure of working for him and his company for 31 years. Over the course of that time, I’ve seen him help so many people in our community. I remember him hiring two different employees, at the time we hired them, they were homeless and living in shelters. Not only did he give them a chance, but also made sure they had whatever they needed to get back on their feet. I have no idea or a count on how many kids he let work at Tri county Tire as they were attending college. He always worked around their schedules. If you or your family were ever going thru any hardships he was always there for you, whether it was financially or if you needed time off for family needs. As far as helping the community, he is always there with financial donations or gift donations for any school functions, sporting events, or charity fund raising. I never in 31 years, saw or heard him tell anyone No that asked him for help. I have seen customers come into Tri County Tire before that were obviously struggling financially and if they could not pay for the tires or car repair he would either put them on a payment plan or just give it to them at no cost. Bob is an EXTREMELY HARD WORKING MAN that has never been one to flaunt anything that he has.

    For Bob, it has never been about him. Bob is truly a blessing to our city and the surrounding communities. I personally cannot think of another person, that over the years that he has been in business, has helped more people than Bob Graham. He is the EPITOME of what it means to be a CLAY EAGLE

  • Mr. Michael Armstrong (Class of 1974)
    Jul 3, 2024 · 2024 Inductees

    Mr. Michael Armstrong (Class of 1974)


    Nominated by: Christopher Hall ‘73

    Michael has always been known for his giving spirit in the Eastern Community in his business, Michaels Catering. I believe he has hired most of Oregon’s children over the years in his business and given many of them a head start. When he decided to retire, he sold his business to another Clay Grad, Kyle Timofeev.

    Since he has "Retired," he has turned his giving back up several notches. Mike has shared his baking skills with may organizations including St. Marks Lutheran Church. It was shared with me that Mike helped feed over 7000 meals to different charities and food banks (419 Cares) His FB page is littered with his generosity and he remains as humble a man as we have. This is well deserved and long overdue.