Superintendent's Message

Welcome to Oregon City Schools! Home of the Eagles!......and Future Eagles! (Jets, Rams, & Bulldogs). Our schools take care of and educate over 3200 students each day. Our teaching staff is experienced, caring and dedicated to providing the best all around education possible for our students. We place high value on seven special words: Tradition-Family-Community-Rigor-Relevance-Relationships-Safety. These seven words define who we are and provides focus to our beliefs.

Oregon City Schools or OCS takes pride in having something for everyone. Our students have opportunities to prepare themselves through advanced courses for college, prepare themselves for the world of work through Career Technical programs and participate in a variety of sports, arts, and clubs. We take care of our most needy students with focused special education programs and offer accelerated students grade/subject level advancement opportunities at each of our seven schools and centers. Students who attend our schools obtain strong foundational skills with a variety of pathways to graduation.

Employees of OCS work hard to provide a positive and supportive learning environment for all of our students which leads to a positive culture for our students. Our culture is strong and growing stronger with three core beliefs:

Together We Are One! - Passion for Growth! - Own it!

These three standards are how we behave towards each other, our students, and our community. Students are taught to behave in a positive disciplined manner and not with negative raw emotional behavior. We believe students need coping tools and tactics to interact with all the media stimulus in their lives.

OCS is one of the few districts which provides at-school mental health services working with a local mental health agency. Our families also have access to a fully operational pediatric doctor's office at Clay HS operated by Nationwide Children's Hospital.

Working with the Oregon Schools Foundation, OSF continues to raise private funds supporting projects and classroom activities in the areas of Academics, Arts, and Athletics. With an endowment growing fast, OSF is a huge support to our schools. We are proud to have a strong network of support from local business and many successful alumni. OCS is a special place to be!

On behalf of the Board of Education, our Leadership team, and all our employees thank you for choosing Oregon City Schools!

Hal Gregory OCS Success! Eagle Pride!

Superintendent Hal Gregory