OCS Celebrates 2023 Report Card
Oregon City Schools (OCS) is celebrating the student growth documented by the latest 2023 state report card. This report card uses a FIVE star rating system to document performance of the overall district and each individual school. The OCS Board of Education, teachers and administrators have been working very hard for years adapting to the changing educational environment, adjusting curriculum, cultivating internal culture and assisting individual students to achieve success. OCS continues to improve and provide excellence in Academics, Athletics and the Arts.
We are excited about the academic progress we are making and want our community to celebrate with us. OCS maintained or increased our Star ratings in all 27 categories measured. Here is a summary of the overall ratings:
OCS Overall District Rating: **** 4 Stars
OCS Career Technical Rating: ***** 5 Stars
Clay High School Overall District Rating: **** 4 Stars
Fassett Junior High Overall District Rating: ***/* 3.5 Stars
Eisenhower Int. Overall District Rating: ****/* 4.5 Stars
Coy Elementary Overall District Rating: ***** 5 Stars
Jerusalem Elementary Overall District Rating: ****/* 4.5 Stars
Starr Elementary Overall District Rating: ****/* 4.5 Stars
Oregon City Schools offers a wide variety of programs and courses throughout the district. We are very proud of the extra-curricular and co-curricular activities available in our schools as well as the many career technical programs offered at Clay High School. OCS has something for everyone, no matter what pathway a student wants to pursue. We educate a variety of students with disabilities along with programs for gifted and talented. We value the education of every student!
OCS teachers, support staff and leaders are dedicated to implementing educational programs and services which make a difference in a young person’s life while providing a safe and secure environment. The state report card is just one measure of our total educational system, but an important one.
Thank you to our families and community for the ongoing commitment to Oregon City Schools!
Report Card Information can be found here: https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/