2021 Inductees
- Apr 13, 2024 · 2021 Inductees
Sherry VanCamp
1970 Graduate
Retired Flight Attendant
Nominated by: Virginia Blair, Janice Bell, Pat Tank Henkel, Sheryl Cooper Landon, Joseph Munier, & Vickie Bass Thomason
Sherry served as a committee member on CHAFA (Clay High Alumni and Friends Association) where she volunteered for several FUN-raising activities and contributed her time and talents to raise money for college scholarships for CHS seniors. She has volunteered with WTOL TV “Call for Action” where she worked to find solutions to local problems. She assisted the director of Art in the Garden providing guidance with children in the East Toledo neighborhoods.
Sherry has volunteered at the Oregon/Jerusalem Historical Society often dressed in period costumes. She assisted at several of the Society’s teas given to the public, served as a docent for the museum tours, she undertook the processing of data entry of all museum financial donations bringing the process up to date.
With Backpacks for Humans, Sherry coordinates with members of the newly-formed Toledo group on a mission to make life easier for the less fortunate. She helps with coordination of clothing and backpacks with essentials for everyday living.
Sherry has always been the “voice” of the class of 1970. She has worked on many functions with classmates. She has taken on the responsibility of shared administrator for the CHAFA Facebook page, sharing news and obituaries of all CHS alumni.
Sherry has a passion for helping people. She has dubbed herself as uncanny “re-purposer” and she is a veritable “clearing house.” Upon hearing of someone’s needs, she fulfills that need or directs them to the proper source.
- Apr 13, 2024 · 2021 Inductees
Terri Hook Wamer
1979 Graduate
Educator, OCS Lead Teacher
Nominated by: Karen Lewis, Lauryl Mitchell, & Tabatha Nadolny, OCS Teachers
Terri Hook has been a life-long advocate for public education. She has invested herself in ensuring that public school students receive an excellent education. She has a passion for supporting her colleagues. She served OCS as the first Lead Teacher for the district and helped develop the District Leadership/Building Leadership Team/Teacher-Based Team models in the district. She served as co-chair of DLT since its inception. In 2010, Terri assisted in writing the Race to the Top federal grant.
She has been a critical voice at the state level in the development of the Ohio Resident Educator Program and the Resident Educator Summative Assessment. She worked at the state level to ensure that new teachers are effective in working with students and was part of an Ohio panel that presented OREP at a national conference . Terri is the OCS’s OREP Coordinator and has testified in front of the Ohio Legislative branch. She supports the growth of veteran teachers and encourages each one to recognize their individual professional talents through the teacher evaluation progress.
Terri is a nationally trained Beginning Reading and Reading Comprehension Instructor and a site coordinator for the collaborative graduate level coursework program used in OCS. Terri has worked as an adjunct professor with Ashland University instructing the Reading Comprehension Instruction course to district educators. She co-wrote and was awarded a Straight A Grant from the state of Ohio. She is also a state credentialed Ohio Teacher Evaluation System evaluator and was also a state approved Praxis III assessor for teachers.
Terri earned the Master Teacher designation from the State of Ohio. She was invited to share her vast array of knowledge with upcoming graduates at BGSU. She is also a Martha Holden Jennings Scholar. In 2010, Terri and her students were filmed and featured in a Japanese television documentary about the Hubble Space Telescope.